小学一年级 童话:6-7岁

建造和平的原则(PeaseBuilder Principle)


(PeaceBuilders Principle: To Help Others Emphasize ‘Giving’ Rather Than ‘Getting’ This Holiday Season)

(To be successful in school, children must learn to share and become less selfish. A little philanthropy – giving to others – will help your child do this. There are many ways parents can promote giving this season and all year long. Here are a few ideas to get you started.)

  • 告诉孩子什么是慈善。这意味着分享你的时间、能力或者财富来帮助别人(Introduce the word philanthropy. It means sharing your time, talent or treasure to help other people)。
  • 找到孩子社区里的义工和其他帮助他人的人,告诉孩子他们多么重要(Identify volunteers and other people in your community who give. Talk about how special and important these people are)。
  • 让孩子看到你的付出并让他/她加入进来。当你做义工的时候带着孩子。问问孩子他/她愿意在哪方面做一些付出(Let your child see you giving and let her participate. Take her with you when you volunteer. Ask her what charities she’d like to help out)。
  • 帮助孩子做一些简单的礼物送给家人或者朋友或者避难所。他会发现付出所带来的乐趣(Help your child make simple gifts to give to family and friends or to distribute at a shelter. He’ll discover the joy of giving something he’s made)。
  • 让孩子整理出他/她愿意捐赠出的衣服和玩具。捐赠的时候确保孩子在场(Have your child gather toys and clothes she’s willing to donate to a local charity. Be sure to take her with you when you drop them off)。
  • 为生病或年老的邻居做一些食物,比如汤或者其他食品(Cook soup or bake something together to take to a sick or elderly neighbor)。
  • 当孩子付出的时候,给予他/她赞赏。为孩子指出分享的快乐以及他的行为所带来的改变(Praise your child when he gives to others. Point out how good it makes him feel to share with other people and to know he has made a difference in someone’s life.)。

Source: Parent Institute

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