他山之石可以攻玉 回家的路



Now you close your eyes.
Now we look at our mother and we feel the distance between her and us.
And we take a very small step to overcome this distance.
Just a very small step.
And facing the fear and the pain that prevent us from taking this small step.
And if we gathered enough courage, we take another small step.
And we look her in the eye, and take another small step.
And so we move on until we reach her.
(long pause)

And we say to her:
“Now I take you as my mother, exactly as you are.
Dear mom, I take my life from you, in its fullness as you give it to me, together with my father.
Now I am rich(意指丰盛).
I got all that I need.
And I will do something great with it.
I will serve life, in memory of you.
I will do something great now, as your child.”

Then we turn our back on her, feeling her behind us.
And we look forward at our business, our profession, our work.
And we take a small step, in that direction.
And then another one, and then another one.
Look straight at them(指business).
And tell them: “Now I am ready.”

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