
The shame of Chinese milk industry

Sept. 17th, the shame of Chinese milk industry.

It is said that quality assurance forces will be sent to the 22 milk factories (whose milk products contain Melamine according to a recent examination). My question is: quality assurance forces are human beings. How to prevent them from being polluted?

As a milk consumer, I think the following should be done:

1. For quality check offices, the most important thing is to play the role of fair judge. Certain quality games need to be held frequently, with the results being published to all citizens. Naturally, all the glories will go to the best players. Considering that our success as the Olympic host, I guess that a lot of precious experience has already been accumulated. 

2. For high-level offices, the target should be: set up and guarantee the independence of quality check office.

3. For the media, higher coverage of masses will help to train informed, selective and better consumers. We have already witness this trend with the blooming of Internet.

Not only milk, the whole food industry should, and need to be reviewed carefully. Our national anthem has already pointed out: The whole nation is in its emergency. It is true. Otherwise, our nation may accidentally poison ourself to death in some near future. 

For interested readers, please read this article as a homework. Let’s remember, human beings are intrinsically apt to mistakes. This holds for both western and eastern. The point is: what shall we do to prevent the disasters repeating itself. 

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